AutoTag's SQL Wizard is a great tool for selecting your SQL data! You can sort it, filter out so you receive only the rows you need, and even invoke advanced features such as joining tables to get an even better selection of data for your document! The tutorials in this category will demonstrate each of these features. By the end of this set, you'll be a pro at using SQL data in your documents!
Using the XPath Wizard, you can do all sorts of sorting and filtering at several levels of complexity. XML documents range from elementary-like simple to hair-pulling complex, so our XPath wizard provides a consistent, intuitive interface for sorting and filtering data from any XML document, no matter the size or complexity. By the end of this tutorial set, you'll master your XML data!
Whether you are a simple-minded user, or an avid fan of the Open Data protocol, our wizard will help you retrieve data for your documents using sorting and filtering. Follow these tutorials to become an expert at the OData Wizard!